0 thoughts on “To have drones or not to have drones?”
  1. Let’s make two columns, and list : The “benefits to human life brought by drones” on one side, and “loss of human lives thanks to drones” on the other. … The answer should become clear immediately… which makes us wonder if the bigwigs making such decisions are incapable of doing even this mediocre bit?!

    Every time a resident of N. Dakota feels fluffy and choked, looking up at the sky, at how the govt. is protecting their safety security … they NEVER realize once that this is the same technology that kills scores of mothers and children around the world! … THIS is why the N. Americans will never wake up to their own imminent sacrifice!

    … And this is just the most minimal price to pay for NEVER looking up at the sky and realizing (gratefully) that it is the CREATOR who is the real Provider of safety, security, sustenance…and LIFE itself.

  2. @ Lasilencia: You are welcome. 🙂 [I do get conscious and hesitant when you put it as preaching though. In Islam it’s called reminding each other of the Truth, which is in a sense watching out for your fellow man.] … I believe that we’re all God’s vicegerents, and so we’re all preachers, really — preachers of all things good, true, just and beautiful from the Creator. At least that’s my view. … On this note, I must thank you also, again, because you often appreciated and encouraged the discourse and asked me not to hold back. I am just as inspired by your reminders as well.

  3. HM1 – I’m grateful for the reminding of the Truth. I get carried away when I get inspired by people’s words. It means a lot to me, more than anyone will ever understand. Be yourself. 🙂

  4. Lasilencia: Thank you. 🙂 I feel the same way when inspired. And we just ‘bore witness’ for the day. Ameen.

    I wanted to share something that I know you would definitely appreciate. It’s about the power and effect of sound/ the spoken word among and upon us and the universe … and how the Jews didn’t even spare corrupting that.

    “Does Conspiracy Extend to Musical Scale?”


    I always wondered how science arrived at the intangible quarks being the fundamental particles of our tangible life/ world. While scientists stopped at saying “we’re all just energies” … I had the hunch that one day they’ll reach the point of declaring “we’re all just our emotions/ intent, and teh expression of thus”.

    The following videos (from the article) also makes one wonder as to the true meaning of “the Word that proceeded from the Creator” and Jesus (pbuh) being “the Word of God”. The whole of Creation may just be nothing but His Word. Glory be to HIm.



  5. Also, the Fourth Caliph of Islam, Ali (r.a.) was once asked by people: “what is this world all about, really?” … and he answered : “All of this world/ life is just useless dust that comes alive and radiant by the Light of Allah!” … This is a stunning answer from 1400+ years ago! He definitely did not even know of the words Physics or Cymatics … but he knew the Truth. This is an example of teh many reasons why I believe that “the education of the heart/ soul” (roughly understood as EQ and SQ) is far more powerful than institutional education or books alone (IQ). And that the Creator is forever waiting for us to turn to him (in bearing witness, as you said the other day) — which are the very moments when he places that incredible knowledge in the human heart. 🙂

  6. HM1 – Thank you so much. Great article and my love for music started at age 4 and the guitar is my passion. One day I will teach myself to play. 🙂 I always wanted a career in music (jazz).

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