17 thoughts on “US government pursuing ‘imperialistic wars’”
  1. Excellent historical account of the civil war and the reasons behind it as well as how to get out of the hold of big government.
    local governance allows for less humiliation and more accountability.
    information alone does not translate to a change in circumstance.
    The power of the institutions of government are no longer constitutional.
    you need to change the power dynamics and you need to Do something about it.
    Consciousness with out implementation is jack nothing.

    We need guts and courage and moral certitude……..Alhamdullilah/Thank God for Islam,
    It socializes courage for those who want courage instead of being socialized into fear.

    The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress men and wrongly rebel in the earth, for such there will be a painful torment. (Quran 42:42)
    And those who, when an oppressive wrong is done to them, they take revenge. (Quran 42:39)

  2. Funny how the government now bends or breaks the law in order to enforce the law.
    There is much to be learned studying imperialism and colonialism. When people think of ‘colonialism’ they think “Great Britain’, ‘Netherlands’, or ‘Portugal’ and not chartered companies (corporations). Today, we have central banks and MIC pushing imperialism with traditional mercantile interests subordinate.

    Meanwhile in Rahmboland….http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/24/chicago-police-detain-americans-black-site

    Did they learn this from the IDF?

  3. @ KITTIE KITTIE: Interesting that you should ask that. Police departments in many nations hire Israelis to come and train their own police, because Israelis get away with doing things to Palestinians that no one else can get away with.

    For example, Israelis use Gaza is a laboratory to develop techniques of breaking people en mass. They sew suspicion and division among Palestinians by leaking rumors to their victims that such-and-such person is an informer and a collaborator.

    Gaza and the West Bank have given the Jews a chance to develop myriad techniques in torture, surveillance, and extermination.

    Most police departments around the world want to learn how this is done. The Jews are happy to teach them (for a fee).

  4. Konrad : Every once in a while, someone will say something so accurate, so true, and so apt that many a victim’s wounds would feel an immediate healing, as if someone else said it for them in just their own words.

    Thanks a billion for that excellent comment summary and insight. Gaza has been one of such primary laboratories of inhumanity in all its vile and satanic ingeniousness!

    The news, last year, highlighted how America was trying to install carbon copies of it’s own government system around the world. Very few actually figured out that such a franchise had numerous evil tentacles — the most notable of them being the corruption, Policing, oppression, harassment and torture techniques/ practices (etc.) copied straight out of the ideological Amway called Israhell … ! … I only wish there would be more people who would their inside story from their own unique geographical locations.

    Meanwhile, there’s this news on how :

    “Thailand Has Become a Police State!”


    “”Semper Castleton,” an expat living in Thailand for more than twenty years, reports on the power struggle between NWO fronts and the military. Either way, the Thai people will not gain the democracy they seek.

    Three years ago, Castleton reported here “that Thailand is now on the slippery slope to a police state.”

    His fears have been realized.”

  5. HM1, Thailand is an interesting place. A place where many westerners go to commit ‘suicide’. Go to Thailand; jump out window.

    As part of Sabba’s theme from yesterday, many Thai ladyboys have script read from right to left tattooed on their bodies, and it ain’t Arabic. Personally, Arabic is the most beautiful written script even ahead of Chinese and south Asian with Korean being the most sophisticated.

    Then, there is the Golden Triangle.

    McCoy’s article is very good, but you may have to search around the website to find all the documents related to the trade. McCoy goes into great detail about French Indochina involvement with the trade.

    We were fighting against ‘communism’ in SE Asia!

  6. @Lasilencia: Thank you for the update and the insight. The shooting of two officers (which were linked with/ as the blowback from the Eric Garner case) last December spoke of many things to come. Today, I’d interpret of that incident as easy justification/ alibi for the oppressors to go on to do worse. It seems almost surreal to see so much that we couldn’t have even imagined in the 90’s when cops were only mentioned mostly with regards to Dunkin Donuts jokes! 🙂 We had no idea they were already getting ready for 9/11 and a post 9/11 world order. And how few did believe Sgt. Scott Decarlo of NJ before recent times. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/160530882/9-11-Cop-Breaks-Silence—Israeli-Mossad-Involvement-in-Attacks

    [By the way, last year, I had to face an impudent conversation with a Polish young man who’s in college in Toronto, who is proud to be of Antitheist and Ashkenazi background, and kept saying that his gene will ensure success in today’s world/ system. He hatefully denounces all things metaphysical, and insists that Mathematics is the real holy grail of all things (pseudo-Einstein)! … And I won’t forget how, when I brought up the subject of Zio-Western countries killing innocents abroad (incl. e.g. Anwar Awlaki and his son) … he laughed psychopathically and said : “It’s the EFFICIENCY of how we kill these days, that’s amazing!” … Should I have interpreted that to mean that he is some sort of beneficiary of the Mossad’s daddies?!]

    In the Mossad’s expansion, the NYPD was the first/ master copy. The US has been offering the training in other countries around the world (and I’d think: as a ‘cover’ for Mossad to come in as the real trainers). [I just tried to open a link on “NYPD International Liaison Programme” and my antivirus halted and prompted “threat has been detected”! 🙂

    Your alert on Krav Maga and the armed patrol on the streets noted. I always thought that a youth brigade/ covert army was also in the making, as a typical feature of pre-world-war surveillance.

    Meanwhile, following what you mentioned, here are some interesting news:

    – “De Blasio Calls New York Post Ridiculous For Report Slamming New NYPD Training Regimen!”

    – “NYPD Commissioner Bratton admits cops have contributed to the ‘worst parts of black history’!”



  7. @HM1 🙂 Nightmare on Elm Street scenario. I used to watch NYPD train in Krav Maga and it was offered at Martial Arts schools as well. It was a tough training but I believe only cops were trained to give these classes in the schools. The ones that did, were owned and operated by cops themselves.

  8. @Lasilencia: 🙂 Hahaha … Exactly! … By the way, the fact that they own the chain says it all.

  9. God bless Pastor Dankof for such an excellent statement. This is much needed to spread in public discourse. Thank you for posting this, Lasilencia. I had a concern though : wouldn’t secession, especially at this time of history, despite its benefits for the Movement, open the door for the Jewlluminati to stage more ‘color revolutions’ type of things and clashes of all kinds?

  10. @MJ : Thank you for sharing the great video. Watching it stirs emotions of every historic kind. This would be more or less what will flash in the minds of all the Believers right before the final confrontation occurs. … Meanwhile, I don’t understand how so many people need to actually get angry while I’ve always struggled to repress/ contain my revolt against such oppression? Or maybe that’s because most others didn’t actually suffer persecution, injustice and humiliation of any kind, who knows.

  11. HM1 good questions, I think the Palestine will reach a tipping point in after which the oppressors will get theirs InshaALLAH.

  12. Konrad,

    Odd the Guardian broke the Homan Square story. American MSM not mentioning it with the exception of the Atlantic. Fox and Brietbart haven’t even mentioned it once online. Odd since it fits their current MO. Traditional ‘leftie’ websites such as DailyKos, Slate, CrooksandLiars have run with the report.

    Chicago Sun Times reports Chicago PD denies the allegations. Well, DUH. Chicago cops aren’t going to admit what goes on behind the closed doors since they know very well that breaking the law can get them in serious trouble.

  13. @ Kittie Kittie : Thank you. You directed me to quite some discoveries. 🙂 [I had to review the links before I wrote back.]

    I was indeed surprised at that jumping out-the-window phenomenon! This is bizarre, and seems to be increasing…. which is surprising because Wikipedia cites Greenland to be the most suicidal nation (Thailand was only at 66th place on the list in 2011). Further, Thailand’s mental illness prevalence is only about 20% (reportedly, though), which is far less than Canada e.g., so the Thai suicides are not really well explained. As always, I tried to find the rationale, and it’s a mix of many things, it seems …

    First, the Golden Triangle, as you mentioned [in the links]. I remembered this post by Konrad, and his comments therein https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2014/12/29/13-year-war-on-afghanistan-ends-at-last/ .

    Consequently, since I’m of those who consider the Occult to be a crucial (and often overlooked), tell-tale ingredient to political diagnostics (esp. in our Jewlluminati driven world today) … I couldn’t help but remember that Narcotics and the Occult go hand in hand. [The New Age movement, which is the Jewish Antichrist’s very left-wing religion (with Evangelical Zio-Christianity and CIA-invented-Islam being his right-wing religions) is the very embodiment of this correlation.]

    Most certainly … Myanmar (the city called ‘Bagan’ in particular) is the very historical hub of the Occult (viz., demonic) tantric Buddhism/ Hinduism, between ancient/ pagan India and China/ E. Asia.


    I sensed for a while that: there is that INVISIBLE/ covert link between Myanmar’s Opium prowess since the 80’s, the Jewlluminati’s generous investment to revive/ rebuild Bagan since a decade ago, and the ruthless oppression and genocide of Muslims/ Rohingyas for a while! [As I often state, the hands/ intervention of the filthy Jews in any place and the corruption that abounds in that place … can be interlinked to a greater scope (than it can be through politics or economics alone) if one uses the theological lens, because the core of the Jew is driven by a vile [ir]religion of Talmudic Satanism.]

    The following news are jigsaw pieces to the bizarreness of the undercurrents of the SE/ E. Asia scene:


    —- MACABRE BLACK MARKET: In Thailand, a British citizen, Chow Hok Kuen, was arrested for attempting to smuggle into Taiwan: six ROASTED HUMAN FETUSES covered in gold leaf, tattoos, and spiritual adornments, for a black magic spirit ritual and as good luck charms!



    —- THAI MAN JAILED FOR DEFYING ILLUMINATI THAI KING! http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=193115



    —- NEW THAI PM USES HOLY WATER, FENG SHUI TO WARD OFF OCCULT!! (One must remember how, about a decade ago, the Taiwanese/ Chinese authorities were killing off people who practiced Falun Gong)!




    – The world is in the grips of a wicked people of ORIENTAL and occult origins. [Until recently, the Occident hasn’t fully understood the vile implications of this — and this being teh Jewlluminati’s very advantage over the Western people among whom ‘they’ injected pagan/ occult decadence in the form of culture, for a while now.]

    – Black Magic and perversity riddles the Orient (to a degree that the West doesn’t know of). Even in Muslim countries like Malaysia, the lady-boy problems persists, ironically. … These are the very immoral signatures of the Jewlluminati… and they fuel a good proportion of Tourism! Moral decay on the globe has reached critical peoportions.


    – The occult and suicide/ murder have been correlated in too many world events by now (yes, including 9/11)!


    – The Orient has been a vast SOCIAL LABORATORY for the Jewlluminati for a while now, and a ground for various Pilot Projects that are later scaled-up in the West, in time. (We have to watch out, e.g., for Big Pharma).


    The ‘Communism’ in S./ SE/ E. Asia, and even E. Europe, is essentially an Occult Fascism in nature. And it is currently [almost done] taking over the West.

  14. Forgot to mention in the post above … All of that is the signature of this ‘Imperialism’ that’s devouring the world… because the imminent dictator (Jewish False Messiah) is essentially the epitome of Judaic filth and occultism.

  15. I am thinking that any individual that chooses to be amongst the ranks of ‘revolutionary’ approaches, workings, and to achieve outcomes..needs to be extremely careful. The you-know-whos have had a very long history of overthrowing governments.

    From, The Protocols ~

    “26. In all corners of the earth the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOY States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force”

    (Regarding the above ~ This was when they overthrew the kingdoms / royalty of Europe [Czar Nicholas also}. This aristocracy sure had it’s troubles; that’s for sure BUT…the you-know-whos used that anger from the mobs / masses by directing it towards the aristocracy of that time. Thus, an overthrow of the established order was accomplished. The masses of people believed they had achieved a great accomplishment but, they were ignorant and they were played. This tatctic was not only played all over Europe but has been played globally; think Arab Spring )

    “4. Babblers, inexhaustible, have turned into oratorical contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials. Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob”.

    (Regarding the above ~ this relates to #26)

    “6. The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster-mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. “.

    “7. We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces – Socialists, Anarchists, Communists – to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite – in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings.”.

    8. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.”.

    (Regarding the above ! the you-know-whos want 100% control of government; not just key positions in it)

    “11. THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL FURTHER MAGNIFIED BY THE EFFECTS of an ECONOMIC CRISES, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.”.

    (Regarding the above – everybody is being directed to purchase gold because of economic & financial fears. It is a big trap. When you have elite Jews that own media outlets running ads to invest in gold…that right there should be one huge red flag.).

    “4. In order to give the GOYIM no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the GOYIM, we must put industry on a speculative basis: the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.

    5. The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities. Such communities will foster a strong aversion towards the higher political and towards religion. Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can give. Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards the privileged, the lower classes of the GOYIM will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the GOYIM.”.

    So again, my great concern is that people are being played…especially that we are in the beginning phases of global economic meltdown; which is being orchestrated in order to install the “savior approach”. Think of the Obama campaign in the first election. Most of the masses were completely disgusted with Cheney / Bush. That anger, those fears in the political / economic / financial areas were used as energy and provided the momentum to usher in Obama. This is a small illustration of what will next happen on a global scale. The masses are being set up.

    It is true that what is called the ‘United States government’ did declare bankruptcy and this can be found in Judicial records. America then went into receivership and the U.S. Treasury Secretary is a member of the International Monetary Fund. This too has been passed and is in the record book; United States Code.

    America was then handed over to it’s international creditors. These creditors coming from the Internationalists ranks, then used the US dollar, the US military, and the US culture as well….and injected the dollar, military, and culture globally. It has been used as the mother virus. And take note; the terms US / American is the label. It is the glove that covers the hand. The hand is doing the work while everyone sees and takes note of the glove. The World has come to hate the glove. It is the fall guy. This is the great deception. The World has come to mistrust, hate, and despise America / the U.S. And this is part of the plan. This too will be used as energy to fuel ‘change’.

    I don’t know is many people have notice that for the last few years, even ‘mainstream media’ has been highly critical of the U.S. When Glen Beck a few years back could literally speak for days or weeks on the illegal Federal Reserve Bank; that sent alarm bells going off for me. Many say that he was then ‘fired’ but I know way buy that. Saying he was ‘fired’ is the deception because we are entering a phase of the plans now where America has nearly played out it’s useful purpose on the World stage. Anger is being kindled and I am greatly concerned that ‘revolutionary’ avenues are being fomented by the you-know-whos.

    Adolf Hitler HAD to take authoritative measures. He removed the key positions of problems. He and Germany could not afford to leave one root standing in high positions within Germany or it would be like a grapevine that continues to come back and grow.

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