0 thoughts on “US Senator John McCain rejects all-out war with Russia over Ukraine”
  1. Apparently he’s not that crazy, although it’s bad news for the Jews. Of course, he got the rest of it all wrong!

  2. Well, I’ll be damned! I actually agree with the incredible invisible POW on something. Don’t like that man, don’t trust that man. Too many missing “facts” about his imprisonment and what happened on the Forrestal. His voting record speaks volumes about his character, (or lack thereof) and taking into account the old edict that the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, He’s an opportunistic sycophant….exactly as his father was before him.

  3. Senator John McCain was asked about his foreign policy priorities when he becomes the next Armed Services Committee Chairman in January 2016.
    “First of all we have to repeal this so-called sequestration, which are these automatic cuts in defense spending as well as other spending. We’re decimating our military.”
    I need to give some background first, and then tie it in to McCain’s lies.
    The sensation of wealth is not absolute. It is relative. I feel “wealthy” not because of how much money I have, but because of how much MORE money I have than you have.
    The monetary difference between me and you is what makes me “special” and “superior” and “rich.”
    Therefore rich people pay politicians to continually widen the gap between the rich and the rest, since rich people want to become richer.
    To widen the gap, politicians cut federal spending on programs that help average people, and they increase spending on programs that help the rich. Politicians justify this by lying. They falsely claim that the US government is “broke” and “in debt,” and that we must eliminate social programs that help average people.
    Meanwhile there is infinite money for war and for Wall Street bailouts, since the US federal government create infinite amounts of money. The federal government does not borrow a single penny of its spending money from China, the Fed, private investors, or anyone else. The federal government creates money by sending instructions to banks to credit recipients’ accounts. To credit an account is to simply change the digital numbers in bank accounts, like changing the numbers on a sports scoreboard. For this reason, the US federal government does not need or use tax revenue, and in fact destroys all tax revenue upon receipt.
    A money creator (the US government) is not the same as a money user (i.e. everyone who uses money created by the federal government). But politicians don’t want you to know that. Politicians want you to think the US government is “broke” and needs an “income” like you and me.
    As part of this Big Lie, politicians vote for cuts in military spending (i.e. “sequestration”) in order to make you falsely think that everyone is having to “tighten his belt.” Again, politicians do this in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.
    Later the politicians repeal all the cuts in military spending.
    For example,on 12 Dec 2013 at 6:00 PM, minutes before adjourning for the rest of the year, the U.S. House voted quickly and overwhelmingly to restore all the military spending that had been cut by the “sequester.” Politicians did this because military spending mainly benefits the rich, not the masses. And military contractors pay kickbacks to politicians.
    Forty days later, the US Congress permanently cut $8.7 billion from Food Stamps. Politicians did this because it only hurts the little people, such as Food Stamp recipients, plus people that grow and transport food, stores that sell food, and so on. It’s all about widening the gap between the rich and the rest.
    US government austerity is only aimed at the masses. It does not affect the rich. It is purely gratuitous, and its single purpose is to widen gap between the rich and the rest.
    Therefore when John McCain says he wants to “repeal the sequester” (i.e. repeal cuts in military spending) McCain is lying as always. The cuts have already been repealed. And the billions flow to the weapons makers.
    As the federal government continues to cut spending on programs that help you, McCain wants you to think that everyone (including the rich and the weapons makers) is having to “tighten his belt.”
    Lies, lies, and more lies.


  4. McCain only understands the language of force… If Russians were passive then Americans would go far beyond their limits (the way they have done it in other countries).
    Now that the Russians are standing tough against the Americans and their puppets, the hard liner Republican Senator John McCain changes his mind and talks about peace….

  5. This particular person has two or many faces. He says one thing and he means something else. We should know that by now.

  6. @ marinelli (#8 above) ~ Thank you for that link. A couple of quotes stood out from the article.
    “Life in Russia is relatively comfortable for Jews, in contrast to other minorities.”
    “Even Vladimir Putin’s harshest critics concede that he’s not an anti-Semite.”
    “Since the collapse of the USSR, the number of cases of anti-Semitism has been steadily dropping on an annual basis.”
    “A spokesman for the Russian Jewish Congress said anti-Semitism has obviously become less noticeable than in the 1990s and 2000s, when it was the principal essence of nationalistic propaganda.”
    There are only 200,000 Jews in Russia (1 in 720 people), and yet, “A number of Putin’s closest confidants are Jews,” including “the Judo teacher who served as a mentor and surrogate father.”
    “Right now the biggest threat to Russian Judaism may be apathy, not bigotry.”
    “Jewish fears after the fall of the Soviet Union that rising Russian nationalism would lead to an upsurge in anti-Semitism never materialized.”
    “Putin has personally intervened in cases of state anti-Semitism, such as an incident in which a teacher was charged with corruption, and the prosecution used his Jewish last name as evidence. Putin labeled that ‘egregious,’ and the conviction was overturned soon after.”
    Well, that settles it.
    Still, Russia’s support for Syria’s government is a paradox, since Jews want Syria’s government destroyed.
    Incidentally, the article equates “nationalism” with “anti-Semitism.” This is to be expected, since nationalism entails solidarity among the masses, and the Jews dread solidarity among the masses. Jews call solidarity “fascism.” Jews seek to break it up by any means necessary, since Jews cannot thrive unless the masses are divided and conflicted. For example, Jews love (and indeed depend on) racial tension between non-Jewish groups.
    I presume that the article’s author, Joshua Keating, is a Jew, since he supported the latest bombardment of Gaza, and he frequently writes about “anti-Semitism.” Also, he apparently reads Hebrew.
    “Europe Has a Serious Anti-Semitism Problem, and It’s Not All About Israel.”

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