Sabba – This video (in French with English subtitles) is a very good and comprehensive synthesis of everything we need to know about the savage jewish butchery that shook Christian Russia in 1917. We should stop referring to it as ‘Russian’ Revolution as there was nothing Russian about it. More than that, the jews were so vicious and ferocious in their destruction of anything Russian that they purposefully chose not to include the name Russia in their newly created state – the USSR – as if to erase Russia from the pages of History and from Mankind’s memory. What they did to the Russians is what they are doing to the Palestinians and the Middle Eastern Arabs in general and what they promised to do to all of us, as soon as they get a chance. This video should encourage us all to do whatever we can to build and strengthen a ‘Christlamic’ Alliance because that is truly the only thing that will save us from the synagogue of Satan.

3 thoughts on “WATCH – Hervé Ryssen – The Jews and the Russian Revolution”
  1. so many comparisons between the Bolshevik jew leaders and the social democrat leftist today they are already priming the leftist liberals to want to shut up, or kill everyone that doesn’t agree with them.

  2. The Bolsheviks were financed out of the US and the Zionist Paneuropeans and run out of the US by Jacob Schiff and the Wilson Administration. The US is a Masonic Kabbalist state of the devil since the beginning. It’s genocides of people around the world with the UK is unmatched in human history. For more on the Judeo-masonic revolution in Russia, see Forbidden History; Masonic Revolutions – The Slaughterhouse of Osiris 1/12 There are 12 parts. Videos of Holodomor are also available as well as the Jewish Young Turks. These are the most evil of mankind. Since the Talmud and Kabbalah, evil has reached a fever pitch of those who call themselves conservatives and liberals who are neither as both are necessary for a balanced life among all living things. We prefer to profit off of death and destruction and call it religion, industry and governance. The putrid acts of the Bolsheviks, Maoists, Jacobins, Americans, British, Israel et. al. all have their foundations in the Judeo-masonic order.

  3. I’d love to see this, but @ an hour-twenty, it would eat up too much GBs. It’s alright though, as I’m already somewhat of an authority on the Communist-jew-Bolsheviks of the old USSR who liquidated at least 60 Million Gentiles. This was the True Holocaust and one reason the phony jew “Holocaust” was pushed, along with pressure from the Zionist Brass. The Red Commie jews needed to cover up & distract from the real Holocaust and the other reason was for the Zionists to have an excuse for the founding of Israel, since the Talmud said “6 Million jews needed to perish in a holocaust of fire” before the jew state could be founded.
    Britain & the US were hesitant to hold trials at the IMT, since they were equally guilty of war crimes of the first magnitude, but the Zionists & commie jews convinced them to go ahead with them. Extermination claims by world jewry had been scoffed at up to that time by Govt. Officials of both countries as war time propaganda, which it was.
    The US had been keeping a close eye on Auschwitz, as it was where the Germans were producing Buna rubber for the war effort, something the Americans were very interested in since their rubber supply was cut off by the Japanese. If there was an extermination program at Auschwitz, the US would certainly have known about it. They never did because there never was one.

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