The Torah is not merely a book of law and history. It is also the chief repository of Jewish wisdom

ed note–once again, there it is, in plain language for all who are genuinely dedicated to both the truth and to solving this thing known as the ‘JQ’ to see and examine for themselves, and–more importantly–the spiritual source of the dark powers which ‘the Chosen’ utilize in warring against Gentile society that–if properly understood by the victims of this dark energy–would lead towards a rational, productive solution to an age-old problem that has now reduced the continuation of all human life on earth to a mere question mark.

My Jewish Learning DOT com

The Torah is not merely a book of law and history. It is also the chief repository of Jewish wisdom.

Torah stories are rich in human drama and do not shirk from describing triumphs and failures of the main protagonists of the Jewish story.

The Book of Genesis in particular offers nuanced descriptions of the family dynamics of the Jewish patriarchs and matriarchs — both their virtues and their dysfunctions. And careful readings of these stories provide enduring guidance for negotiating these most intimate of relationships.

On Parents and Children

Among the most troubled families in Genesis is that of Isaac and Rebecca.

Their children emerged from the womb with different impulses: Esau is red, hairy and a hunter; Jacob mild-mannered and prefers to stay at home. And their parents react to them differently too: Isaac loves Esau, but Rebecca favors Jacob.

What follows is a troubling tapestry of familial struggle and betrayal that commentators have mined for lessons that can still guide us today. Should parents love children for who they are or guide them toward their full human potential ? Should children be loved for what they do or who they are?

On Marriage

The first couple we meet in the Torah is created when God responds to Adam’s loneliness by fashioning Eve from his rib. The couple was one, then become two — a separation exacerbated by their disobedience, which leads each to blame the other. But Genesis also provides the instruction that man and wife must leave their parents to become “one flesh” — an image that captures the Torah’s separate-but-unified ideal.

Similarly, the Torah describes Rebecca and Isaac’s marriage as one where the wife resorted to trickery to win the birthright for her favored son. Some commentators understand Rebecca to have been unable to speak forthrightly to her husband because of her excessive adulation of him. A marriage, the Torah seems to say, must be properly balanced between respect for one’s spouse and respect for one’s self.

On siblings

Genesis describes multiple stories of strained relations between siblings. The first murder is perpetrated by Cain against his brother Abel. Jacob and Esau were estranged for years after Jacob stole his brother’s birthright. And Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers.

But the Torah also gives us models of sibling reconciliation. Joseph’s warning to his brothers not be quarrelsome provides multiple ways to repair a broken sibling relationship. And Jacob’s reconciliation with Esau can be seen as suggesting that time and personal development may be more critical to fixing the breach between the brothers than any interpersonal action.

5 thoughts on “For us Jews, the Torah is an instruction manual for life”
  1. right, lots of jewish wisdom there, positively brimming with jew wisdom, not to mention decency and the rest of jew values.
    just ask the wiped-out amalek, the egyptians, murdered firstborns, swindled out of gold, the plagues of locusts, the persians genocided by way of thanks for their generous hospitality, the babylonians, armenians, greeks, syrians – those everlasting jew values and virtues so lauded in deutoronomy, numbers, judges, leviticus, all of pentateuch is packed wall-to-wall with the timeless jew wisdom.
    one of the numerous fruits of the sicarii tree of wisdom:
    Numbers 31:17-18

    Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

    truly an inexhaustible gift that keeps on giving some 2,500 years afterward.

    here is one of the essential secrets of jew wisdom:
    Daniel 8:25: 

    “And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence.”

    every jew a genius (i.e., deceitfully shrewd), every jewess beautiful (i.e., an immoral slut).

  2. The problem is the gentiles think the answer to all the evil in this world is the Torah. The Gentiles spend their whole life defending it.. “The Christian cannot read the Bible except through Jewish spectacles,” Henry Ford.

  3. if i may rephrase slightly, Staś … the answer path to all the evil in this world is the Torah
    i imagine that the favorite aphorism of the lgbtq+ community is, “all roads lead to sodom and torah

  4. Yes…. I find a lot of people quote it when you write criticism of the OT Which is bizarre. Also I think “the right” love the Bible the most and fight for it any chance they can get. The left rejection of it only makes it stronger. Judea of the left or right both love the Torah. Which is something the truth movement can not deal with.

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