5 thoughts on “Jonathan Azaziah–What if there was no Hizbullah?”
  1. if there was no Hezbollah the world would also not know what true men of honor look and act like, when protecting there country.

  2. I agree 100% with Jonathan Azaziah – I am a Sunni Muslim Arab, (and I do not like to use the terms Sunni/shia that the Jewish Zionists and their allies use to divide us – but I have to in this case) and I respect Sayed Hassan Nasrallah and support his resistancr against the Mossad backed terrorists in ISIS, Al-Nusra and other extremists in Syria and Iraq. Hezbollah and Iran should be seen as allies not as enemies by the Arabs (regardless of their religious belief). All Arabs have a common enemy and that is Israel – and to think that Hezbollah or Iran as enemies is absurd as they have always backed and continue to back the Palestinian Resistance.

    This Saudi royal family’s plot (who might be crypto-jews) to try and paint Iran as an enemy and Israel as an ally to the Sunni Arabs will fail, the vast majority of Arabs (Sunni or otherwise) will never see Israel as their ally and many of us still love Sayed Nasrallah for his resistance against the Zionist regime.

    Israel would not stop until they achieve the Greater Israel project and conquer other Arab countries, without Hezbollah, Syria and Iran they would have achieved that.

  3. Hizbullah is the only Arab armed group that has defeated Israeli army twice – in 2000 and 2006.

    Lebanese ex-president in an interview in 2006 admitted that it were Hizbullah fighters who saved Lebanon becoming an Israeli occupied country.

    Last month, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei condemned the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) for letting itself blackmailed by the Saudi ‘royals’ to include some Anti-Hizbullah paragraphs in its final communique.

    “Let’s suppose a corrupt, sycophantic, hollow regime condemns Hizbullah in a statement with money and petrodollars; to hell with it! How much does it matter?,” Khamenei told a group of students.

    The OIC summit was held in Istanbul on April 14 and 15. The OIC statement claimed that Hizbullah is conducting “terrorist activities” in Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen.

    The Leader praised Hizbullah, likening it to a shinning sun.

    “Hizbullah and its youths are shining like the sun and are a source of pride for the world of Islam,” the Leader noted.

    “What Hizbullah did in 2006, three Arab armies could not do in two or three wars,” the Leader said in a reference to Arab countries (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) which lost territory to the Zionist entity in the 1967 and 1973 wars. “Hezbollah defeated the Zionist regime, which had become stronger by then, in 33 days,” Ayatollah Khamenei remarked.


  4. A very good and accurate analisys Jonathon.
    My Lebanese friend just returned to the states from Lebanon for
    a visit.
    He told me unequivocally that without Hezbollah, both Lebanon
    AND Syria would be “no-more”.

  5. This is a great site honouring Hizbullah:
    Mleeta Resistance Tourist Landmark – Lebanon

    Besides the total admiration I feel for their esteemed leader has never wavered. He is eloquent, radiates an inner calm far beyond his years, and is a staunch ally in keeping the tatters of his ravaged country together. Also, whenever one sees the men of Hizbollah, one cannot help but notice their honest faces and absolute professionalism as a unit. They breathe efficiency and a pride that is not vainglorious. A pride in doing what they believe is true right down to their cellular makeup,

    Thanks Jonathan.

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