israel cancer


Almost a third of American adults said they would not have hidden Jews in their homes had they lived during the Holocaust, a recent poll found.

The survey of 1,000 US citizens, with a margin of ±3 percent, was conducted by Barna Research as part of a promotion for the digital release of “Return to the Hiding Place,” a film on Christians who saved Jews during WWII.

“Think back to World War II when Jews in Europe were forced into concentration camps and many were killed by the Nazis,” the survey question said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “If you were living in this time period, would you have risked the possible imprisonment and death of yourself and your family to hide Jews?”

Some 61% said they would, and 31% said they would not. According to a breakdown of the results, men, married people, homosexuals, religious people, and southerners were more likely to say yes than women, singles, heterosexuals, people of no religion, and residents of the northeast.

The survey did not isolate Jewish respondents from non-Jewish respondents due to the sample size.

Film director Peter Spencer linked the survey to current atrocities in Syria and Iraq carried out by the Islamic State.

“Our film raises uncomfortable questions such as, ‘If you are not saving your brothers now when you are not under threat, would you save them when your life was in danger?’” he said. “ISIS is intent on liquidating Christians and Jews just as Hitler was intent on liquidating the Jewish people. We often think of saving strangers as hypothetical, but we are at a moment in history where that call to action is not only literal, it is vital.”

0 thoughts on “Poll: 31% of Americans would refuse to hide Jews from Nazis”
  1. I wonder what the survey would have revealed if they were asked if they would have taken in Russians or Ukrainians to shield them from Jews in the 1930’s?

  2. Many things to analyse here …take note the Jew Hollywood Reporter is obviously measuring how well there constant WW 2 Holocaust /Good War , propaganda is going.

    Take note its the most ” Conservative ” types, Bybull belters ,who are into ” saving Jews” …as the total creation,and takeover of the ” Right Wing” ,and organized religion by the Jews is in full effect.
    Ironic since Jews personally disdain these types the most …but have often used their stubborn close minded mentality for their own rnds from Puritan Cromwell ,French Revolution, Bolshivosm.

    These types can be manipulated by their prejudices the most…” The moribiund middle class” Mussolini called them. Cast right that is ” Jew worshipping”.

    The Jews swing the Left/Right Matrix for them the most,and keep society in revolutionary ferment V Tradition ,to rule through them.

    The secular in the poll ,are skeptics of ” the system” , and less tuned in to the constant Jew worshipping coming from the Kosher Conservatives today…years ago the opposite might be true !

    On the history…stupid people think Adolf Hitler somehow took over Germany, for no reason ,and insanely,started rounding up Jews and throwing them into all kinds of ghastly killing machines .
    ( “upon inspection of camps for interned enemy civilians no homicidal equipment found “,International Red Cross Report,Of 1948), and of course the more elderly the Gentile, ” Handicapped,retarded, Gays, even Christains ( an insane belief as Hitler’s biggest support came from Roman Catholics in South Germany,Rhineland, and Catholic Italy,Spain !) and Lutherans as this was Germany ! Duh !

    No Jews where thrown into any camps initially expect political ones, in the initial coming to power, as Democracy had failed and civil war was averted by shutting up the corrupt Left/Right politicians who sent Germany in ruin.
    Nobody was killed ,and about 1800 people killed…not exterminated.

    When the International Jews declared war on Germany in February of 1933 ,countermeasures where taken.
    Nobody ” exterminated”.
    When the Jews finally got the British /French to declare war in 1939 the efforts to get the Jews OUT of Germany ended for being cut off !

    The ” Final Solution” was to move them East,as what the Red Cross ,using International Law , term,” Enemy civilians”, where seen as opposition.
    Yes they where worked, and attacked by SS units in the East…yes they died of abuse ,etc…but not ” exterminated “, by ” gas”.
    If you where the leadership of a nation in a world war, with a population of openly disloyal agitating people ,whos power that war up ,and running against you,what would you do?

    Was it ” nice” no….but extermination it was NOT .

    The Jews war against Germany,and Europe WAS, as ” Unconditional Surrender ” right from the Jews Old Testament was called for…millions ,and millions died because of THIS.
    As the Jew Thesdore Kauffman titled his mainstream book.” Germany Must Perish “.

    Today’s the Jews war against Germany continues ,but thus time the brain washed ,occupied Germans are helping them !

    This is the same war ,being waged against all Gentiles,and cinicides with the Jews genocide of the Palestinian people,and other worthy peoples of the Arsb world.

  3. So run little jews. Run away from those who curse you and unto a place that loves you and will protect you. Run to the land God has given you. We have made arrangements with the Palestinians to provide your own land and your own home.

  4. I’d like to see a similar question being put forward to jews; would any of them risk hiding Christians in their homes being persecuted by ISIS or anybody else?

    Poland was the only country where hiding a jew was punished by death to the entire family of even to everybody in the entire apartment building. And yet many Poles took the risk.
    Was it worth?

    Apparently they still haven’t done enough, even though they were under occupation themselves!

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