Egypt prosecutors demand death penalty for Morsi
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Did We Vote for War?
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The American-Israeli ‘Fallout’ Is A Strategic Illusion
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Judaic Heckler Interrupts Prayer Service at Washington Cathedral
ed note (Tony)…Over at worldNetJewery, they are heaping praise for this woman. BTW, this is the same woman who has videos where she claims that Monster Energy Drinks are linked/inspired…
CNN: Libyan "Rebels" Are Now ISIS
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Study suggests "turban effect" as a source of Islamophobia
OCDG: This is just one in a long line of “so what”. Read here
Jerusalem conflict spreads to Bethlehem
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Ukraine rabbi: US Jews helped us beat Russia’s anti-Semitic propaganda
Jews in Ukraine acted in unison with American Jews to counter false claim the Crimean annexation was to protect minorities, says Yaakov Bleich ed note–2 things worth noting here– 1.…
Israel decries Spanish vote on recognizing Palestine, says lawmakers should have instead condemned the ‘abominable slaughter’ at synagogue
ed note–My God, EVERY SINGLE TIME a nation decides to go this route of FINALLY–after half a century of oppression, hundreds of massacres and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives…
Group says board denies Jonathan Pollard parole request
US officials tell federal panel releasing convicted spy would ‘constitute contempt for severity of crime and rule of law,’ activist organization says
US “War on Terror” increased terrorism dramatically
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United Arab Emirates Designates Two American Muslim Groups As Terrorist Orginzations
With heightening state and societal animosity toward Islam in the US, particularly with the recent emergence of ISIL, the UAE’s designation of CAIR as “terrorists” shifts their state stance from…
Spanish MP’s called on government to recognize Palestine state Ed note (Trevor)~ My second appearance on Press TV.
"White Widow's" death in Ukraine proves ISIL-Kiev alliance
From Wayne Madsen: November 14-16, 2014 -- "White Widow's" death in Ukraine proves ISIL-Kiev alliance The recent killing by a Russian "volunteer" sniper of the so-called "White Widow," aka Samantha…
Zionist violence escalates in occupied Palestine
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Jews Feign Outrage: Wants CNN Reporters License Revoked
By Uzi Baruch and Tova Dvorin Israelnationalnews Yossi Dagan, the head of media relations for the Samaria Regional Council, filed a formal complaint Tuesday with the Government Press Office (GPO)…
Four Killed, Six Injured in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack
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Caltech professor claims Israeli spy infiltrated JPL
A physics professor at Caltech says that an Israeli scientist at the school shared secrets from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the school with a top Israeli government rocket scientist…
Co-conspirator of 9/11 attacks says Saudi prince financed operation
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WATCH: Police spray putrid water on Palestinian homes, schools
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Vienna's Saudi school accused of 'anti-Semitism'
ed note (Tony)…Actually, Freemasonry is nothing more than Judaism for Gentiles. Link here
Israel becomes major hub in the international cocaine trade, abuse rising
Number of cocaine users in Israel has doubled in recent years and the Israel Police reports that Israeli criminals have joined hands with the cartels.
Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver
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