Vienna's Saudi school accused of 'anti-Semitism'
ed note (Tony)…Actually, Freemasonry is nothing more than Judaism for Gentiles. Link here
Israel becomes major hub in the international cocaine trade, abuse rising
Number of cocaine users in Israel has doubled in recent years and the Israel Police reports that Israeli criminals have joined hands with the cartels.
Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver
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U.S. Navy Deploys Its First Laser Weapon in the Persian Gulf
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The next US presidential election will move the world closer to war
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A New Push for Peace in Syria?
“Obama and his regional allies have proven totally incapable of producing any realistic peace proposal — they’ve been too consumed with war. Obama has yet another chance to recognize the…
Family Of Jews Caught,…….Behaving Like Jews
So, what part of ‘Judaism is organized crime, masquerading as a religion‘, don’t you understand? LOL Link here
US airstrikes fail to deter ISIS
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In rare move, Israel denies Colombian foreign minister entry to Ramallah
MFA said Colombia’s top diplomat can only visit the Palestinian Authority if she also visits Jerusalem, out of fear the trip would set a precedent for foreign dignitaries.
Rabbi Fischer: "Allah is another god"
ed note (Tony)…These acolytes of Judaism never cease to amaze…..
Israel shuts Dr Gilbert out from Gaza for life
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Afghan Opium Cultivation Rises to Record Levels
ed note (Tony)…War by other means (fighting endless wars for Israel), needs a chief source of funding. Something we can all ‘give thanks‘ to, at the dinner table with the…
Democrats block Republican anti-Iran bid in Senate
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As schools remember Rabin, teachers describe rising hatred
‘Most students said Rabin did terrible things – like planning to give the Arabs all of Israel,’ one teacher who took part in school activities in memory of the slain…
My Last Words to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
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The American Century Is Over. The Eurasian Century Has Begun
China and Russia are selling Eurasian economic integration -– not bombs. The American century, propelled by chaos and war, is coming to an abrupt end. Continue Reading
Australian Jewish leaders seething over former FM’s pro-Palestine shift
Bob Carr has increasingly become known for his critical stance on Israel, but in earlier days cofounded the Labor Friends of Israel.
Two pro-Israeli US Senators warn Iran with sanctions
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IOF Ignores 'Settler' Attacking 10 Yr Old Boy in Al Khalifa
Israeli forces ignore settler attacking child
Video: Fourteen Year Old Boy Violently Arrested in Hebron
VIDEO: 14-year-old violently arrested in Hebron
Netanyahu is exposing his nationalist face to the public
After the prime minister’s string of statements over the past week, it seems he has decided to take off the statesmanlike mask he has donned for the past few years.
Journal: Farming in Gaza Near the Buffer Zone
Journal: Farming in Gaza near the Buffer Zone
'Foreign Agent Bill' to Be Submitted in 2 Weeks
The bill would mandate greater transparency on the part of NGOs that are funded by foreign governments, and cancel their tax-free status.