Revolution in the United States
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Another Fake Bin Laden Story
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Israel’s Annexation Plan for Palestine
ed note (Tony)…Of course, anti-Arab bigots such as John Hagee, Pat Robertson and Tony Perkins will agree… Link here
Fredrika Mandelbaum : First Female Crime Boss
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ADL Names White House Aide Jonathan Greenblatt As Foxman’s Successor
The Anti-Defamation League has named a successor to longtime national director Abe Foxman. The Jewish civil rights organization has chosen 43-year-old White House aide Jonathan Greenblatt for the job. Foxman…
Sweden, after IKEA tit-for-tat, hopes Israel ties will recover
Editors Note MP-Better watch what you hope for Margot Wallstroem. YOU MIGHT GET IT! Link Here.
US Gears Up for Info War Against the BRICS
The information and economic wars being waged against Russia are just the beginning. From now on, every BRICS nation should expect similar treatment. Continue Reading
US plan for proxy army to fight Isis in Syria suffers attack
Syrian opposition leader blames Washington for rout as air strikes on Isis seen as aiding Assad crackdown Continue Reading
Venezuela Receives Over 100 Palestinian Medical Students
The Bolivarian Revolution has long stood in solidarity with the Palestinian peoples in the face of Israel’s imperialist wars. Continue Reading
The Jew, the Left and Whatever is left (Gilad Atzmon)
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Saffron Terror: Israel’s monks target Rohingya Muslims to Destabilize China
View post on Read here A look at the real culprit behind the Muslim massacres of Burma by “Buddhists”
Is Ahmadinejad making a comeback?
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Azerbaijan: Subversion and the Possibility of Realignment
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Gaza residents lose faith in international aid
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Alawites, the forgotten victims of ISIL in Syria
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Sisi can stall but can not hide his crimes
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How Iranian Jews Shaped Modern Los Angeles
OCDG :Several noteworthy things in this article. One of the main themes here is that even the ashkenazi jews think very little of them : There’s too many of them,…
At Kosher Deli, Pastrami With a Side of Racism
Even when trying to appear selfless, their true nature shines through. And check the author’s profile at the bottom…
Camp Bucca: The US prison that became the birthplace of Isis
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Fear and (Jew) Loathing in Venezuela
Spanish Jews want councilman to apologize for Hitler costume
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ICC set to declare attack on Turkish aid ship a 'war crime'
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Exceptionalism Rules in Tel Aviv and Washington
ed note–typically-brilliant commentary from Phil Giraldi continue reading
Nasrallah: conflict in Middle East political, not sectarian
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