ed note–And once again, there it is, that word–


Not, ‘Talmud’–as so many ‘experts’ who fashion themselves ‘authoritative’ when it comes to ‘splaining the issues of Judaism and Judaica and the role that these particular and peculiar cult items play in turning our otherwise Garden of Eden into the Highway to Hell–but TORAH.

Now, as far as the essay itself penned by our deranged Hebraic author goes, please consider the following ‘protocols’–

1. The historical and galling hypocrisy of the Jewish mindset. In America and the West, one will find at the forefront of every single open-borders organization Jews who wave a lecturing, bony finger in the face of Gentile nations, chiding them for being ‘cruel’ to ‘the other’ who seeks to enter their countries illegally. 

And yet, in Israel, state policy is that ‘infiltrators’ (goyim who threaten the ‘purity’ and homogenous character of the Jewish state) be arrested and expelled.

Please consider the following from our deranged Hebrew–

“Do not allow them to reside in your land, since they may cause you to sin against Me. You may even end up worshiping their gods, and it will be a fatal trap to you” (Exodus 23:33). The second prohibition is directed to each and every individual not to sell land to a non-Jew so as not to give him a resting place in the Land, as it is written: “When God your Lord places them at your disposal and you defeat them, you must utterly destroy them, not making any treaty with them or giving them any consideration (in Hebrew, ‘lo techonem’, which is interpreted by our Sages as ‘do not give them a resting place’). Do not intermarry with them… [If you do], they will lead your children away from Me, causing them to worship other gods” (Deuteronomy 7: 2-4).

Now, all can imagine the tidal wave of Judaic screeching that would occur if/when someone else of the non-Hebraic persuasion says that Gentiles should not–BY FORCE OF LAW–allow Jews to dwell in Gentile lands, that they should be ‘utterly destroyed’ and that intermarriage with them should be forbidden.

Mon Dieu, the noise…

But when Jews do it or advocate that it be done, why, the sounds of protest are as silent as, well, death itself.

Perhaps the more important (and indeed ominous) part of all of it though is the following–

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all and the most important place on earth…The house of Jacob’s God will be raised above all other hills and people from all over the world will stream there to worship, and there he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. The Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem. The Lord will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2: 2-4).

Now, to the average person easily seduced by honey-potioned sweet nothings being whispered into his/her ear, this sounds GREAT…No more wars or conflict. No more armies training for war. Swords being beaten into plowshares and spears being made into pruning hooks.

Except that what it means when all the sugary language is removed is the overarching dominance of Judea over the world’s affairs and with no one being permitted the right to disagree or dissent.

And just WHO will be in the captain’s chair creating the laws and running the whole show?

People like the dirty old man pictured above sucking on the mutilated sexual organ of this baby boy, and if this isn’t enough to scare the b’Jezus out of an otherwise sane and civilized world, then God help us all. 

And no, all of this is not sourced from the Talmud, but from the very same Torah (Old Testament) which deluded and delusional Christians think is as ‘holy’ as the book featuring the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, the revolutionary whom the Jews killed and whom they detest to this very day.

Yonaton Behar, Israel National News

Non-Jews Residing in the Land of Israel

The grand vision of the Jewish nation in its land is for the land to be inhabited by the Jewish people. On the Temple Mount in Jerusalem the Holy Temple will stand, all forms of national life will be conducted according to the moral teachings of the Torah, and the People of Israel will be a light unto the nations who will be an inspiration for the betterment of the world as expressed in the words of the prophet:

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all and the most important place on earth…The house of Jacob’s God will be raised above all other hills and people from all over the world will stream there to worship, and there he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. The Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem. The Lord will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2: 2-4).

In order to achieve this vision, the entire land must be inhabited by Jews, and only non-Jews wishing to be part of Israel’s grand vision will be able to join the Jewish people in the status of a ‘ger toshav‘, or technically, a ‘resident alien’. While the road to realizing the vision is still long, we should nevertheless strive to the best of our ability to achieve it.

Consequently, we need to pay careful attention to the two prohibitions mentioned in the Torah regarding the residence of non-Jews in the Land of Israel.

The first prohibition is a general one obligating the people of Israel, as written in the Torah: “Do not allow them to reside in your land, since they may cause you to sin against Me. You may even end up worshiping their gods, and it will be a fatal trap to you” (Exodus 23:33). The second prohibition is directed to each and every individual not to sell land to a non-Jew so as not to give him a resting place in the Land, as it is written: “When God your Lord places them at your disposal and you defeat them, you must utterly destroy them, not making any treaty with them or giving them any consideration (in Hebrew, ‘lo techonem’, which is interpreted by our Sages as ‘do not give them a resting place’). Do not intermarry with them… [If you do], they will lead your children away from Me, causing them to worship other gods” (Deuteronomy 7: 2-4).

Some poskim (Jewish law arbiters) are of the opinion that these prohibitions apply to non-Jews who are not worthy of being considered a ‘ger toshav’; however, one who is worthy of being considered a ‘ger toshav’, i.e., one who observes the Seven Noahide Laws out of belief in the Lord, the God of Israel, and accepts the sovereignty of the Jewish people in its Land as decreed by the Torah, may reside in the Land of Israel (Kesef Mishneh in his commentary to Rambam (Maimonides) ‘Mizbach Adama’).

Others say that any non-Jew who was not actually accepted by a ‘Beit Din’ (rabbinic court) as a ‘ger toshav’, we are commanded to not allow to settle in our Land, and to deny them a resting place in the Land of Israel. And when ‘Yovel’ (Jubilee year) does not apply, rabbinical courts lack the authority to accept a ‘ger toshav’ and thus today, there is no ‘heter’ (rabbinic allowance) to permit non-Jews to reside in the Land of Israel. The reason for this opinion is that the Torah sought to guide us in establishing a holy nation in the Land of Israel, and as long as a non-Jew does not accept in an official and orderly manner to live according to the principles of the Torah of Israel, he can adversely affect society (this is the opinion of Rambam according to ‘Magid Mishneh’ and ‘Minchat Chinuch’, and also Ritva and the Netziv).

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