NATO Commander: Russia Poses 'Existential Threat' To West
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
THE FORWARD Over the weekend, Iran held its first parliamentary election since the nuclear deal and it looks like reformists are coming out on top The election showed wide support…
THE FORWARD There are a few topics in American politics that have unmatched power to excite and divide. The KKK is one. The Israel-Palestinian conflict is another. You might think…
THE ALGEMEINER A Ku Klux Klan leader thanked a Jewish man for pushing him out of harm’s way during a violent confrontation between KKK rally attendants and anti-KKK protesters in…
THE JEWISH PRESS German Jewry is beginning to worry about anti-Semitism again, and according to a local source, it’s long past due time that they did. In an exclusive interview…
Due to the obvious risks and blowback associated with doing the kind of work we do here, using our real names, real faces, real voices, etc, and where it is…
MCP goes through a news round up ranging from Ronald Reagan to the warmonkey George Bush to the need for all those in the good fight to make sure that…
Prime minister says Arabs’ frustration caused not by their inability to build but their inability to destroy Israel ed note–Netanyahu’s statement is just an extension/manifestation of Judaic thought in general.…
Move follows Republican frontrunner’s claim he didn’t ‘know anything’ about former KKK member who endorsed him ed note–again, at the risk of over-repeating it, Trump is obviously not ‘their man’.…
ed note–The Republicans have not had a candidate as popular as Trump since Reagan. So where is all this ‘dread’ coming from? Simple– A. They are all Israel firsters, and…
ed note–this is the same media that is eviscerating Trump not just on a daily basis, but an hourly one. Continue reading
Israel is resorting to lies and deceit about the occupation and its treatment of the Palestinians to fill the void left by the death of the peace process.
ed note {Tony}…Interesting. If the Presidential matchup was between Trump and Clinton, KILLary would be the Likudnik war-hawk….. Link here
WP Presidential politics is, at its core, all about math. Nowhere is that more true than in the fight for delegates before this summer’s Republican National Convention. And the delegate…
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on presidential candidate Donald Trump to distance himself from white nationalist and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, as well as other white supremacists,…
ed note–the Judaic drumbeat against Trump continues, whether it is the right or the left side of the concert house. Both sides of the criminal conspiracy know that Trump would…