British army creates team of Facebook warriors
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Israeli Rabbi Issues Video Message To Obama
The 92 year old Rabbi issues a video message in English for Obama in which he tells Obama that it isn’t enough to say you are Israel’s friend – you…
ED-NOTE (Sabba) – Bernard Henri Levy (BHL) and George Soros – the “philosopher” and the “philanthropist” – are on a worldwide campaign against Putin. BHL is incorrigible. Lies and scams…
Israeli claims of major Obama concessions to Iran ‘complete nonsense,’ US says
According to Channel 10, anonymous Israeli officials claimed the president “has given the Iranians 80 percent of what they want” out of the negotiations.
The class character of Syriza revealed
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Ukrainian Oligarch Fugitives Wanted by Interpol Pay Bribes for Israeli Citizenship Ukrainian oligarch, Yuri Borisov, suspected of looting $40-million in U.S. foreign aid meant for Ukraine Galey Tzahal (Army Radio) reported today that Israel welcomed with open arms two Ukrainian…
Senators pledge not to support Palestinian aid until US reviews ICC bid
75 senators send letter to Secretary Kerry.
Former Mossad chief: I don’t trust Netanyahu, his actions will cost us
Meir Dagan says PM’s speech won’t change Obama’s mind on Iran, adds Sharon had arguments with US but kept it quiet while Netanyahu insists on making fights public.
PM’s wife accused of pocketing thousands in bottle refunds
Sara Netanyahu may have committed theft when she kept up to NIS 24K in state money; couple spent NIS 100K on alcohol in two years
Redneck Republican Lawmaker– ‘Greet Muslim visitors with Israeli flag’
Molly White, a Republican state rep, asks Muslim community members to renounce terrorism, swear allegiance
Wanted Israeli ‘sex rabbi’ claims to be a Holocaust survivor
In Amsterdam and facing extradition, Eliezer Berland says he went to visit relatives and ended up in Buchenwald
Benjamin Netanyahu: the Anti-American Obstructionist
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Vicar investigated over ‘9/11 Israel did it’ posting
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Loon Star State “them moooslums” video
Loon Star State…
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Russia downgraded to junk status for first time in decade
ed note–make no mistake about this–what has been done to Russia by the political/financial powers of the West was nothing short–economically speaking–of a nuclear weapon being detonated on Russia soil.…
Ed-note: Sabba – this article depicts a heartbreaking picture of the Children of Gaza whose childhood has been long lost (since 1948), and whose innocence is being raped on daily…
Latin America Leaders Warn of Chile Style Coup in Venezuela
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The Kochs Ride Again
POLITICO It was interesting while it lasted, but the 2016 election is now officially “bought.” The purchasers are the Koch brothers, and the price, a cool $889 million. The news…
US Senate panel approves controversial Iran sanctions bill
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Nisman was ‘wary of own bodyguards’ before death, assistant says
Man who gave Argentine prosecutor gun said he feared for the safety of his daughters; will be buried Thursday at a Jewish cemetery ed note–Nisman was an Israeli asset, without…
Liberman: Israel must respond to Hezbollah attack to maintain deterrence capability
FM warns that ignoring strike that killed 2 soldiers Wednesday would support a situation in which the Shi’ite terror group can strengthen arms capacity.
Jewish Family Values– ‘Comiedienne’ Chelsea Hander rides topless atop a camel in Israel
Comedian Chelsea Handler is on the campaign trail in Israel; the Free the Nipple campaign, that is ed note–but remember, it is not the Judaic influence on Western values through…
Netanyahu blames Iran for recent Hezbollah attacks
At memorial service for predecessor Ariel Sharon, prime minister lashes out at emerging nuclear deal with Tehran
Democrats to Boehner: Postpone Netanyahu speech
They argue that the March address “places Israel … in the middle of a policy debate between Congress and the White House.”
Spain blames Israel for death of peacekeeper on Lebanon border
The Spanish peacekeeper was killed when Israel retaliated against a Hezbollah strike; UN launches probe.