After death threats, Palestinian food-serving U.S. restaurant closes
Conflict Kitchen in Pennsylvania serves cuisine only from countries with which the United States is – as the name suggests – in conflict.
Alabama 'bans' Sharia law amid fears it could violate American rights
Groups opposing Amendment One said it was unnecessary and demonizes Islam. Read here
Muslims across America, Europe face renewed 9/11-style scorn amid ISIS' violent campaign
Muslims in America and Europe say discrimination against them has seemed more pronounced after the Islamic State terrorists beheaded American and British journalists and aid workers. Hate-filled remarks on social…
Sheldon Adelson: Palestinians are made-up nation that exists only to destroy Israel
At first conference of Israeli-American Council, casino mogul and Netanyahu backer hints democracy in Israel not a bad thing to lose.
Join Thousands From Across the Globe on the 2015 Adult March of the Living
There are few experiences that can change one’s perception of the world around them, while leaving indelible memories. The March of the Living is one such experience. The March of…
Ten Influential Musicians Who've Said NO to the BDS Movement Against Israel
A look at some of the most talented international artists who’ve recently performed in the Holy Land despite international pressure to boycott
Labour funding crisis: Jewish donors drop 'toxic' Ed Miliband
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Iran's Khamenei proposes plan for Zionism's elimination – on Twitter
View post on The plan does not condone throwing Jews into the sea, but does call for arming the West Bank.
Olmert to Zaken: Barak accepted bribe in arms deal
Ynet New recordings unveiled on Friday by Israel’s Channel 10 News revealed former prime minister Ehud Olmert told his former aide Shula Zaken, that former prime minister and defense minister…
Ashkenazis, it is time to acknowledge our racism
OCDG : Supremacism on display… for a people who are “torah scholars”, they don’t know the story of their “father” at all… same affliction took him down…
Official: Israel independently learned of secret U.S. letter to Iran
Information in Israel’s hands suggests the letter stressed the need to reach a nuclear deal and made clear U.S.-led strikes in Syria aren’t aimed at toppling Assad.
European officials come to Newark to learn Jewish security ‘best practices’
OCDG: This is an important story… how the jews are turning Europe into a police state, as they’ve done with the US.
Riots, marches in Kafr Kanna after ‘cold-blooded’ killing of Arab youth by cops
Mayor decries police shooting of Kheir Hamdan, 22, as ‘state terror’; demonstrators wave Palestinian flags, chant ‘Zionists, get out’; Arabs plan general strike Sunday
Turkish moves to protect Al-Aqsa Mosqu
“No one can say that the Middle East, which includes Al-Quds, Makkah, Madinah, Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, is a swamp. If there are some people who have changed it into…
Toronto’s new mayor, a member of the United Church, is Jewish There have been three Jewish mayors in Toronto’s history, and now it seems there will be a fourth—at least according to halacha, or Jewish law. Archival records obtained by…
Hollywood gala raises a record $33 million for IDF
Barbra Streisand, Larry Ellison (who donates $10 million) and Pamela Anderson among guests at annual star-studded event
Israel to confiscate 3,200 acres of Palestinian land near Jerusalem
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Jesus, The Total ******bag
Warning, highly offensive (blasphemous) content inside.
Op Ed: Now Or Never
By Stanley Zir We don't need political pundits who claim to be experts on foreign policy to analyze the meaning of the obvious. It is all so simple: the…
Jewish Pedophile jailed for six years
Link here
'Shadow Jews' Outnumber Recognized Members of Tribe
From Asia to Zimbabwe, 14 Million Claim Jewish Blood
Netanyahu tries to deport Arab-Jerusalemites to Gaza
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Thousands march in Jordan calling to end Israel-Jordan peace treaty
Jordan recalled its ambassador from Israel on Wednesday – the first time it has taken such action since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1994.