Hanukkah-decorated Florida home vandalized with swastika
David Cohen of North Fort Myers outraged, shocked he was targeted by anti-Semites
Australian teen anti-Semite punished with visit to Jewish museum
The teen boarded a school bus and shouted racist insults at Jewish children with a group of friends.
Orthodox groups file with Supreme Court in support of Muslim head scarfs
ed note–somewhat clever, but extremely transparent. It is completely understandable how and why many in the Muslim community will be heartened by this, particularly in the present environment of rampant…
In Wake of UAW 2865 BDS Vote, California Assemblyman Demands Assurance That ‘Anti-Israel Propaganda’ is Prohibited from UC Classrooms
Bloom reminded Napolitano that university policy already prohibits graduate teachers “from promoting BDS and anti-Israel propaganda in the classroom.” The issue now, he said, was to establish whether that same…
The Heroism of Tamar Insanity of Jewish Rolemodels
OCDG : We have in this story, two disgusting, insane patriarchs/matriarchs. judah, for which judah-ism and the land of judah is named, sells his brother Joseph into slavery and later…
Israelis Are Furious Over A Leaked IDF Video
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Israel must pay Iran for pipeline project loss: Arbitration panel
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Lieberman blames Abbas for Athens embassy shooting
Greek police may not have a lead, but hours after the attack the Foreign Ministry says it’s the result of Palestinian incitement.
For cyber safety, UK turns to Israeli tech
British minister in Israel to shore up online defenses and further technology partnerships
Shin Bet: Anti-Arab activists admit to J’lem school arson
Suspects reportedly members of extremist group Lehava, which is fighting Jewish assimilation.
Mention of Israel banned at Irish national Holocaust memorial
The event’s intended host criticized the decree and was fired in response; decision causes uproar among Irish and British Jews.
Netanyahu accuses media of ‘huge’ campaign against him
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday accused the Israeli media of waging a campaign to unseat him. “There’s an almost unprecedented, huge media campaign in support of all politicians who…
Israeli group aims to help Arabs — and contain them
The Lod village is the largest of 13 such communities across Israel, all of them located in the economically depressed areas that Israelis refer to as the “periphery.” They are…
MKO’s claim of backing women’s rights an affront to women
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The side of Dubai that they DON’T want tourists to see
Photos show desperate conditions endured by migrant labourers forced to work in 50C (over 120F) heat for a pittance Photographer Farhad Berahman’s striking photos document the lives of South Asian…
How American Jews Made Hanukkah the Holiday of Religious Freedom
OCDG: Several themes in this story… the usual self-aggrandizement abounds but two others that intertwine. The subject of assimilation and the kosher mafia-like “you’re in it for life” deal. The…
Israeli Hightech Company Makes World’s Smallest Christian New Testament
“Our aim is to be able to mass produce it and cater to really every pocket. Because this application, the smallest bible in the world, Jerusalem Nano Bible, can be…
Politician trained well on how to ‘think Jewish’
Former Republican Rep. Joe Walsh on torturing Arabs; “We forget as Americans who we are dealing with. Got to be frank, we’re dealing with animals…” ed note (Tony)…This is just…
“Patriot” Police Chief Exposed as Fraud
Link here
Israel’s defense minister behind closed doors: Obama administration won’t last forever
Moshe Ya’alon tells yeshiva students U.S. blocking new settlement plans but boasts of massive building over the Green Line, according to tape obtained by Israel Army Radio.
Israeli forces shoot 14-year-old Palestinian in the head
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Palestinian minister dies after confrontation with Israeli police
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Giraldi–‘Don’t Risk War With Russia’
Washington rushes to court open conflict with Moscow against every rational interest. continue reading
The Love Jewce: The Truth About Hanukkah and Why Girls Run the World
Exploring the Book of Judith and its parallels to modern-day society OCDG : A story of the typical good jewish girl or why you shouldn’t judge people based on appearances.
How the CIA tortured its detainees
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The kind of anti-Semitism college students should fear
Facetious tropes about Jewish privilege and domination should not be dismissed as harmless jokes; they slip into peoples’ subconscious and shape their perspectives.
CIA relied on Israeli Supreme Court rulings to justify torture, Senate report says
‘Israeli example’ cited to back for use of torture when interrogating terror suspects ‘where there is no other available means to prevent the harm’ they might inflict.
It’s official: Lawmakers vote to dissolve Knesset
ed note (Tony)…Now this lunatic will have 99 days without a leash……
About That Torture Thing……
ed note (Tony)…Fact: Israel and the CIA did 911. So we tortured a bunch of innocent Arabs as part of the Mossad-style ‘script’ to make the War On Terror (war…
Israel decries ‘unfounded’ Amnesty International Gaza report on Zionist war crimes
Foreign Ministry says ‘decontextualized description of events’ ignores Hamas’s use of civilian infrastructure ed note–besides the endemic and autonomic use of deception (lawyer-ese for lying) that comes as a package…