Canadian FM egged by protestors during trip to Ramallah
Canada’s decision to oppose Palestinian ICC membership draws sharp criticism from crowd, scathing Saeb Erekat column
Israel’s hateful, misguided policy against the weakest of the weak
What connects jailed asylum seekers and displaced Palestinian shepherds? The government’s shameful, bullying treatment of them both.
Fox “news” Admits: No Such Things as ‘no-go-zones’
ed note (Tony)…This is well thought out, planned, and calculated. The damage is already done. Fox “news” is famous for lying and making stuff up, then “apologizing”.
Israel ‘Claims’ It caught ISIS in Israel
Link here
Rabbi Fischer and guest, Concern-Troll over House Intelligence Committee “Moooz-Lum”
No Outrage For Palestinian Cartoonist Who Was Arrested And Jailed In Israel
The State alleged that Saba’aneh had contacted a publishing company about publishing his cartoons in a book. That Jordanian publisher also put out a book about Palestinian prisoners. The State…
TUT Broadcast Jan 17, 2015
Tonight–Continuing discussion of the Charlie Hebdo affair, as well as the ICC probe of Israeli war crimes and Judea’s declared war against Islam, the last civilizing force on earth and…
Analysis: State of denial in the West
Though those who slaughtered journalists at Charlie Hebdo and Jews at a kosher supermarket were killed, the terrorists still have the last word.
Orthodox Jewish Sex Offender Escapes Arrest And Flees To Israel
OCDG: The bastard in question was convicted in 2010 of molesting 2 young boys and did 13 months in prison. He recently was threatening another young boy to not talk…
Obama has a mind of his own on Iran sanctions: Analyst
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‘She was alive and crying!’: Abortion nurse quits after baby born alive, left to die
Ed note–yet another plague bestowed upon the ”Christian’ West by a group of fanatical followers of a backwards, violent, religion… …and no, we aren’t talking about Islam. The pic above…
France arrests 54 in hate-speech, anti-Semitism crackdown
Ed note–were all dying to know, how’s all that ‘free speech’ workin’ or for ya? Continue reading
Holocaust memorial day posters defaced in east London
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FILM REVIEW: Israel’s search for ‘The Wanted 18’
Abu Dhabi Film Festival’s pick for Best Documentary from the Arab World in 2014, ‘The Wanted 18’ tells the true story of the cows that brought hope to Palestinians and…
US Condemns ICC Preliminary Probe into Israeli War Crimes
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Harper government steals $9 million from taxpayers to fund covert Zionist ‘Digital Public Square Project’ by Arthur Topham
Driven by an unquenchable lust for power and control of the world via deception and control of foreign governments and being the pathological liars and swindlers that they are, nothing…
DC-based hasbara center fights Israel’s war of ideas
Facing coordinated and sophisticated opponents of Israel in cyberspace, The Israel Project is shooting back ed note–we must read between the lines here in getting a full and proper undestanding…
Does Zionism Have Room For Minorities? (Like A Lion Pride Has Room For Gazelles)
A new campaign aims to promote Israel as the bastion of freedom, liberty and pluralism. “Which side are you on?” the video asks. The side that believes in open debate;…
Anchor Jim Clancy Leaves CNN Following Abusive Twitter Exchange With Pro-Israel Activists
CNN anchor Jim Clancy has left the network one week after a bizarre exchange with pro-Israel activists on Twitter about the terrorist outrages in Paris, in which he derided his…
Obama Accuses Senators of Bowing to ‘Donor’ Pressure on Iran, Vows to Veto Sanctions Bill
OCDG: Those not in the know might construe this action by Obama as being part of his “secret Muslim identity”… but if you’ve been following TUT or are not entranced…
‘Je Suis Charlie Brown’ or Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Kosher
Nor should any of us take comfort in the “unity rally” in France on Sunday, attended by an estimated 3.7 million people, many of whom were waving “Je suis Charlie”…
Freedom is Ours to Lose – The Blind Leading The Blind
For example, suppose on one significant occasion, you tell a lie. People now believe something about you that is not true. As they question you about it, or it comes…
Democrats defend naming Muslim to House Intelligence panel
Ed note (Tony)…Grab your popcorn folks, as this US Congress Knesset will be in overdrive mode in its obeisance to Israel. Link here
Jewess author: “What the West must do”
ed note (Tony)…If you had any doubt about the meaning and definition of the Latin phrase ‘Cui bono’,…….
U.K. anti-Semitism report highlights disturbing trend – among British Jews
That over half of respondents compare the situation in Britain today with that of the 1930’s shows a disconnect bordering on hysteria. The report published Wednesday by the Campaign Against…
France’s stance on Palestine recognition unchanged by attacks
In conference call with US Jewish leaders, French PM Valls says attacks on Jews in his country unrelated to Israeli-Palestinian conflict ed note–Newsflash, Monsieur Valls–the recent attacks taking place in…