Sharansky: Kosher market attack may cause aliyah increase
ed note–Lest we forget, a similar situation took place years earlier, where synagogues were bombed in Iraq in order to drive the Jews from there to Israel.
An analyst debates whether US WWII nuke attack is war crime
There has never been any justice for the Japanese victims of the American Judaic-inflicted atomic holocaust. The wicked American Jewish masterminds of the atrocity are long dead, having lived out…
Lapid urges French Jews to immigrate to Israel
Yesh Atid leader, son of a Holocaust survivor, says European Jewry must realize that the Jewish state is their only true home
Canada arrests two brothers on terrorism charges
Individuals held for allegedly being part of extremist group, planning to fly overseas for ‘terrorist purposes’
Rabbi Fisher ‘concern-trolls’ over Paris attack
ed note (Tony)…Notice he ‘pours old wine into new wine-skins‘ by mentioning; “10 commandments, Exodus, Moses, Old Testament, Judah……………”.
‘The Paris Massacre: They had it coming’ by Lasha Darkmoon
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Common enemies use oil as political tool: Leader to Maduro
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US Senate warns of “strong response” to Palestinian ICC action
US senators warned the PA they would seek ways to protect Israeli citizens from “politically abusive” ICC actions.
LOL!!!–Assad ‘seeking nuclear weapons’ with Hezbollah aid
Underground facility under construction near Lebanese border reportedly being protected by Nasrallah’s fighters ed note–My God, are there no limits to the ‘lying pen of the scribes,’ the term used…
Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui Bono?
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Unbelievable comments coming from an acolyte of Judaism
ed note (Tony)…What can I say folks? This is what it has come to. The inferior people (Goyim) have become useful foot-soldiers, fighting for their oppressors! Remember when Netanyahu said…
Henry Jackson Society Funded by the Islamophobia Industry Must be Stripped of its Charitable Status
Why would HJS hide their donors? After all, they are working on policies which are affecting the British public. Of course, they don’t want the public to have too much…
Black and Jewish? Try explaining that to Israel’s airport security
Michael Twitty, a Jewish African-American culinary historian, who was a guest of the Jewish Film festival in Jerusalem, endured humiliating treatment at Ben-Gurion Airport. Irrespective of religion, race or gender?…
Koran-burning lunatic pastor Terry Jones pulls his image from mall french fry stand post-Charlie Hebdo
Ed note–please God, let it happen… Continue reading
Paris, France: Israel’s Mossad “to the Rescue”
ed note (Tony)…Far too many things involving this shooting in France has become much too predictable. Link here
France to Palestinians: ‘Don’t resubmit U.N. statehood resolution’
ed note–but remember, any connection between France’s stated intention of recognizing Palestinian statehood and the massacre at the cartoon factory are TOTALLY AND COMPELTELY UNCONNECTED AND UNRELATED, and anyone suggesting…
Charlie Hebdo: Not Exactly A Model Of Freedom Of Speech
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Israelis express solidarity after Paris shooting: ‘Israel is Charlie’
ed note (Tony)…”They” sure are replacing batteries at a fast pace these days…..
IBI Times of India apologizes for Paris-Israeli link story……..LOL
ed note (Tony)…Someone went off script. Link here
Who Should be Blamed for Muslim Terrorism?
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Lest We Forget–St. John Chrysostom–My Favorite “Anti-Semite”
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Now is the time for fraternité, says France’s chief rabbi
But some French Jews wonder why the same brotherly embrace wasn’t extended to them after numerous attacks
Close Guantanamo—then give it back to Cuba
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Fewer American Jews now identify as Democrats, poll finds
Gallup survey shows 10% decline over past seven years in political alignment.