TUT Broadcast May 31, 2023
Today’s program– The eye-opening interview featuring Israeli journalist Barak Ravid where he discloses the nature of the discussions he personally had with Trump and the animosity that existed between Trump…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Today’s program– The eye-opening interview featuring Israeli journalist Barak Ravid where he discloses the nature of the discussions he personally had with Trump and the animosity that existed between Trump…
ed note–LOTS of things wrong with this, but we’ll just touch on a few. A partial list of OpEd titles that no one will EVER see during an election cycle…
‘They want to pray? Let them pray in their churches, not at the holiest place to Jews,’ deputy mayor of Jerusalem Arieh King said to the crowd ed note–2 comments,…
‘Now is the time for Orthodox Jews and Christian believers to work together to reclaim the value system they say they care so much about.’ ed note–As always, many important…
ed note–nothing out of sort with this whatsoever… Like chimpanzees and other primates that sling their own filth as part of their language and discourse, organized Jewish interests–through their control…
ed note–whether it was an Israeli flag or not is immaterial to the fact that this is how Jews express themselves. Even a cursory examination of what constitutes Western ‘art’…
ed note–assuming that the subtitles are accurate translations, please remember as you listen to this vile discussion with this clearly insane woman that she was hailed by the pro-Palestinian community…
ed note–once again ladies and Genile-men, a prima face example/explanation as to WHY there has been/is now/always will be this phenomenon we refer to here on this humble little informational…
ed note–yes, another one of the obligatory OpEds/newspieces underscoring just how much Jewish influence (that organized Jewish groups such as ADL et al say doesn’t exist) predominates in America, and…
Prime Minister says judicial reform will be brought back – but emphasizes he hopes deal can be reached with the Opposition. ed note–a few pix in starting off this important…
What my response to the Deputy Secretary of State calling me in for a scolding about the return to Homesh, would have been. ed note–As always, lots of important info…
Why did Hashem send Rome to throw us into exile? Why are the descendants of Rome our worst enemies to this very day? ed note–as usual ladies and Gentile-men, LOTS…
ed note–again, as it is with all the material that appears on this humble little informational endeavor, several ‘protocols’ associated with this piece that every Gentile with a vested interest…
Police reopen investigation into Messianic dance instructor who influenced young student to come to faith in Jesus. ed note–keep in mind the following as you read this– The writer is…
Bill sponsored by a far-right lawmaker passed the first of four legislative hurdles ed note–the reader will recall a recent story whereby a similar bill SPECIFICALLY TARGETING CHRISTIANS was brought…
The Ugly Truth, 2012 GOSH! Talk about your ‘timely’ events… Israel—right smack dab up to her bushy eyebrows in bad press following YET ANOTHER massacre of Gentiles in Gaza, and…
Prime minister pulls back in front of Gantz as most suitable for job, and Likud party — but not coalition — sees boost after sinking for weeks amid judicial overhaul…
ed note–keep in mind as you read this that this is by no means an aberration or that somehow this is ‘outside the norm’. Furthermore, it is a textbook case…
Durham uncovered several red flags that should have dissuaded the FBI from opening its ‘seriously flawed’ Crossfire Hurricane investigation. ed note–keep in mind that the only, repeat–ONLY–reason that the FBI…
Today’s Program– On this Mother’s day we are joined by His Excellency Bp. Riah Abu El Assal from Nazareth to discuss the manner in which Christians today in Palestine are…
There are absolutely no justifiable reasons for Jews to settle outside the Land of Israel ed note–as always, LOTS of important ‘protocols’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in…
ed note–as usual, LOTS of protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand and call to mind over, and over, and OVER…
ed note–But remember, Arab/Muslim ‘terrorism’ is all the result of ‘anti-Semitism’ which is rooted only in the irrational and baseless hatred of Hebrews, She-brews, Israelites, Judah-ites, etc, and never, ever,…
Today’s program– Continuing our previous discussion concerning Israel’s plans for utilizing a man-made earthquake in bringing down the Dome of the Rock in Joo-roo-salem in preparation not only for rebuilding…
Transgender? Judaism’s got a blessing for you Orli Santo for Times of Israel This is an era of gender revolutions, and the Jewish community is racing to keep up. Enter…
ed note–again, the next time some mouthpiece for Judea, Inc is beating the war drums against Islam and using the ‘child bride’ thing as one of the ‘charging documents’ in…
Judaism has recognized non-binary persons for millennia. ed note–jes a lil’ reminder that the present moral plagues that have infected in toto America and the West viz abortion, pornography, and–as…
The Jewish people have had a far more complicated relationship with homosexuality than the outright ban in Leviticus implies. Elon Gilad for Haaretz Let us begin at the very beginning…
The age of consent in Israel is 16 for all genders but can be as low as 14 provided both parties consent and have a 3-year age gap or less.…
Israeli police arrest 2 brothers for raping sister multiple times over the course of several years. ed note–those who would rush to the defense of Judah-ism and claim that the…